
Spirituality has been misunderstood for so very long. She sees things in the big picture, with such honesty and perspective, that many people – fearing their own hidden demons – fear her, and nervously avoid her. Her best friend Truth has always enjoyed Spirituality's company and admired her for owning her own beliefs, especially when it seemed everyone around her would have her deny everything she has ever known and forfeit her beliefs for theirs.

She has had many long chats by the fire with Religion. Religion is intrigued by her, but questions why she doesn't respect rules and order. Spirituality simply replies that she would rather discover her own inner truth about God, than to adopt someone else's.


When Spirituality has spent too much time in the city, she rediscovers herself by taking trips to outlook points at Yosemite, standing near the edge of the Grand Canyon, or having long chats with a 3,000 year old sequoia tree.


Spirituality says music is her true voice, since she feels limited and handicapped by words. As a child, it seemed she could never find the correct words to express her thoughts and feelings to her mother, Resignation. No matter how eloquent her words, it seemed Resignation never heard her true meaning. So, she would go to her piano and let the instrument sing the songs she wished to sing that had no words. To her joy, she realized that, through her music, her mother could finally fully hear the words of her heart. Years later in college, she learned to compose music in order to give her soul a voice to sing its special songs.


People call her a loner, but Spirituality says the more aware she becomes, the more conscious she is of the All that constantly surrounds and embraces her.


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