
Love is the constant optimist. Since she only sees the good in everyone, people have called her naïve and innocent. She is neither. Her wisdom is deeper than they could ever imagine. From her deep understanding of human nature comes her unconditional compassion.


She shared an apartment with Honor and Wisdom in college, and they remain best friends to this day. Their former neighbor, Logic, always called her emotional and too passionate, but Love didn't mind.


Animals and small children are always drawn to her, and she has an amazing garden. When Effort asked her for her gardening secrets, she smiled and told him that to nourish anything was to acknowledge each living thing's highest potential, ever within. That was too simple for Effort.


Love lives in a sunny house with great windows and bouquets of flowers in every room. She gives elaborate parties, open to everyone. Greed is worried that she'll waste her fortune or lose everything on strangers, but Love knows it will always, in all ways, come back to her.


Love has been a conscientious objector to many wars. To her mind, no reason could possibly justify war. When Anger asked why she wouldn't march with him in the war rally, she told him she would prefer to have her actions support peace rather than inadvertently give life to that which could only create pain and sadness for so many.

In these challenging times on the planet, many have come to admire Love's wisdom and grace. Doubt and Confusion have both told her that when they face dilemmas now, they have started asking themselves the question, "What would Love do now?"


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  • Claudia Miravete (Monday, February 06 12 02:34 pm EST)

    Awww! My Dearest sister Sharon,
    ... and love found her way into my heart as I read this beautiful story.
    Thank you for writing this, even if it is redundant to say, it IS lovely!

  • Dineane (Friday, January 06 12 11:04 pm EST)

    Very interesting ideas Sharon! you rock Girlfriend!

  • Elena (Thursday, January 05 12 10:05 pm EST)

    This is beautiful, Sharon! Something I had always hoped to read..!

  • Beverley (Wednesday, November 30 11 04:11 pm EST)

    I felt my heart opening reading this - thanks!
    Blessed by your sharing.

  • Sergio (Saturday, November 26 11 01:46 am EST)

    This is just beautiful, Sharon. Thank you for sharing!