How do you create your life – through love or through fear?

Love resides at the deepest core of who we truly are in the largest, purest form of our beingness, and creates the connectedness we long for and share with All That Has Life. Love is one of the two most powerful energies known to man – the other being fear, love's counterpart opposite. As eternal spirits experiencing life through our physical bodies, we are creating daily life experiences as a way in which we can discover for ourselves, in our own unique ways, the power that is fueled by love or by fear.

Our thoughts are creative – they literally create our perception of the world around us. Whatever we put our attention on, we give life and energy to it, whether that thought is based in happy anticipation of a positive outcome or dreaded fear of a negative outcome. The equation is simple: if you have more positive thoughts directed toward an outcome than negative thoughts, your odds of getting the positive outcome are dramatically increased. Conversely, if you have only negative concepts about an upcoming event and can't even imagine a positive outcome there, then you should never be surprised when things don't go well. Your thoughts never created even a possibility for anything else.

Make yourself a contributing factor in the creation of your own life! Start to notice your thoughts about the things you wish to bring into your life. What do you notice? Can you create an image in your mind of the very thing you wish to happen in your life? Can you be confident that you deserve this happy outcome, or have you allowed yourself to be convinced by others that 'we never ever get what we really want'? Notice any implied or assumed limitations you have placed on your having the fullest outcome you choose. Do you find that your first thought is the outcome you would choose, or is it an image that represents your worse possible fears? Relative to what you are choosing to create, are your thoughts based in your fears, or based in a sense of love – including love for yourself, that you would clearly deserve only the very best? Can you love yourself enough to let yourself have a life full of joy? If not, why not?

When our creations are fueled by thoughts of fear, we unconsciously give life to the very outcomes we decidedly would not consciously choose. But, when our creations are fueled from a base of love, we automatically start giving life to making manifest our own personal hopes, dreams and life goals.

Taking it a step further in a larger context, if your base of love also includes an abiding love for All That Is – not just loving yourself, but large enough to include ultimately everyone/everything else – then your loving can include anyone/anything that may be affected by your loving intention. This now becomes win-win: you are not only giving life to your own creations by fueling them with love, but are also creating space that others may join with you and "win" as well. Your creation now becomes exponential – not only do you create a pathway to receive your own joyous creations and resolutions, but you encourage others to manifest theirs, as well. And with each person that comes into agreement with this effortless win-win game plan, the combined power of the loving agreement from all those involved creates a powerful energetic force that would be far greater – as a combined force – than you could ever achieve by yourself. Add to that, not only do you win, but everyone else that is part of that agreement also wins.

Thought for the day: Just for one complete day, actively put your attention on your thoughts and assumptions. Are your thoughts supporting the creation of the positive things you would wish to bring into your life today, or, are your fears setting the stage for the manifestation of the very outcome your fear energy is now creating? You are always at choice in all things. Consciously direct your thoughts to envision the happy outcomes you would choose to draw to you and move away from the fear-based assumptions that would only draw to you that which you fear and resist. As someone once said, watch what you resist – you're liable to create it!


"Thoughts rooted in fear will produce one kind of manifestation on the physical plane, thoughts rooted in love will produce another. The masters are those who have chosen only love. In every instant. In every moment. In every circumstance."

from Conversations with God, Book 1, page 57


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  • Molly (Monday, July 07 14 02:24 am EDT)

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  • Dineane (Friday, January 06 12 11:08 pm EST)

    So simple sounding, yet quite profound. I find your articles very uplifting and empowering, thank you for that.